Course requirements for K-6 are the same as K-3, with an area of concentration requiring a minimum of 18 semester hours. In addition, all education majors take a Literature Block as an area of concentration. Students desiring to teach grades 4-6 see the following page for those concentration requirements.
- Core Curriculum Requirements (see Core Curriculum Requirements for Degree--Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary)
Major Requirements
EDU 400 with EDU 401 PRAXIS PLT Preparation
EDU 217 is not required for students who have an ACT/SAT exemption
EDU 364 cannot count for both Science & Social Studies areas of concentration
Literacy Block Courses
(Requires admission to Teacher Education)
Professional Semester
Requires admission to Teacher Education & taking the required Mississippi licensure examinations
Concentration Areas
For Elementary Endorsement, Grades 4-6 (18 total hours per area), choose one area of concentration.
A grade of “C” or higher is required in all Concentration Area courses.
Elementary K-6 (18 hours)
See Concentration Areas
English (18-20 hours required)
ENG 100 | English Comp.I | 3 |
| Or | |
ENG 110 | English Comp.I-Honors | 3 |
ENG 101 | English Comp.II | 3 |
| Or | |
ENG 111 | English Comp.II-Honors | 3 |
| Select one 200-level or above literature course | 3 |
EDU 331 | Integ.Rdg./Writ.Across the Curric. | 3 |
ENG 200 is recommended for additional 200-level literature course for students who take
ENG 100 or 101 Intensive.
Additional Survey or Writing Course
Select one of the following courses.
ENG 210 | Survey of British Lit.I | 3 |
| Or | |
ENG 211 | Survey British Lit.II | 3 |
| Or | |
ENG 329 | Writing for the Professions | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 3 |
One additional 200 level or above English Course
Additional English Credit
Select an additional 3 hours of English credit. The following courses are recommended.
Fine Arts (18 hours required)
EDU 280 | Creative Expressions | 3 |
| 12 additional Fine Arts credits | |
Note: 12 additional Fine Arts credits from music, art, and/or speech/theatre. Performing ensembles and applied lessons are excluded.
Select one of the following courses:
Mathematics (18-19 hours required)
Six additional hours of mathematics. Recommended courses are listed below.
Physical Education (18 hours required)
Six additional hours of physical education. The recommended courses are below.
Science (19-22 hours required)
BIO 184 | General Biology I | 3 |
BIO 184L | General Biology I Lab. | 1 |
PHY 207 | Sur.Earth/Env.Sci. | 3 |
EDU 364 | Integ.Sci./Soc.St.Ch | 3 |
| Additional 9-12 hours of biology, physical science or Physics | |
EDU 364 cannot count for both Science & Social Studies
Social Studies (18 hours required)
Note: EDU 364 cannot count for both Science & Social Studies
Select two of the following courses:
Additional six hours of social studies. The recommended courses are below.
Spanish (21 hours required)
Select 21 hours of Spanish courses (SPA prefix)
Teaching English as a Second Language
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) requires 18 hours of credit and is available for K-12 only.