Ashley Coleman, EdD, Dean of Education, Chair, Department of Education & Professor of Education
Lisa Beall, EdD, Assistant Professor of Education
Stephanie Clausel, EdD, Assistant Professor of Education & Director of Clinical Experiences in Education
Harley Gonzales, MEd, Instructor of Education
Delise A. Teague, EdD, Assistant Professor of Education & Director of the Teaching and Learning Center
Students in any of the teacher education programs offered at Blue Mountain Christian University are provided a sound general education program, substantial major-area content courses, and professional courses designed in accordance with established educational standards. Department faculty attempt to model Christian values in their interactions with students and in the presentation of course material. Department goals are consistent with the mission and goals of the institution and are intended to meet the needs of the larger society they serve. Stated departmental goals insure the maintenance of a teacher education program that provides pre-service teachers opportunities to become knowledgeable about and/or competent in the following effective school components: teaching competencies, classroom management techniques, content knowledge, methods and materials of instruction, evaluation techniques, interpersonal skills, and professional growth opportunities.