2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog


Blue Mountain Christian University is a senior University supported by the Mississippi Baptist Convention. Payments by students of tuition and fees amount to approximately fifty percent of the total operating costs. For the remainder of its operating needs, the University depends primarily on the generous support of its alumnae/alumni, friends, and the Mississippi Baptist Convention through the Cooperative Program. In effect, this added support makes it possible to keep tuition costs considerably below the national average for independent universities.

Every possible effort is made to avoid tuition increases, but fluctuating economic conditions make it necessary for the University to reserve the right to revise its fee charges at the beginning of any semester without notice.

Please note that no financial information from the Business Office can be released over the telephone. The student must request financial information in person.


Payment of Charges

Payment is due at registration. A deferred payment plan is available through the Business Office, but arrangements must be made prior to enrollment.

NOTE: All bills for room and board, tuition, and fees of every kind must be paid in full to the Business Office before the student’s official transcript can be released or a diploma can be awarded. In the event that a student’s account is not paid by the end of the academic session, interest may be charged on the unpaid balance at the current rate of interest. Grades will not be accessible until satisfactory arrangements have been made in the Business Office.