2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

Withdrawal from the University

(Policy 2.14)

Requirements for Withdrawing from the University. Any student who desires to withdraw from Blue Mountain Christian University should complete a withdrawal form (Form 2.14.01) in the Office of the Registrar. Before the withdrawal can be processed, the student must secure a signature of clearance from a staff member in the Business Office, the Office of Financial Aid, and, if a resident student, the Office of Student Life. Should extenuating circumstances prevent the student who is withdrawing from returning to campus, a telephone withdrawal to the Office of the Registrar may be accepted provided clearance can be secured from the Business Office, the Office of Financial Aid, and the Office of Student Life. A student must, however, return any University properties on loan to the student such as library books, reference materials, chorale folders, etc.

Grades Associated with Withdrawal. The University establishes and publishes withdrawal dates on each academic calendar for semesters and terms. Students may not withdraw beyond the published dates. Grades of W, WP or WF are determined by the date of withdrawal as published on the current academic calendar. Dropping classes and/or withdrawing from all classes may have an immediate and/or future effect on financial aid eligibility.

If a student drops out of a course without completing the official withdrawal form (Form 2.14.01) in the Office of the Registrar, a grade of F is recorded for each course at the end of the semester on the student’s permanent record.

Tuition Refund at Withdrawal. The date that a student withdraws in writing in the Office of the Registrar is the date used for calculating any tuition refund. The institutional refund policy is included in the Finances Section of this Catalog.

Involuntary Withdrawal. Blue Mountain Christian University may at times find itself faced with a situation in which a student’s behavior inside and/or outside the classroom demonstrates he/she poses a potential threat of harm to himself/herself or others, or creates a pattern of extreme disruption. In these situations, it may be appropriate and necessary to initiate an involuntary withdrawal from the University. Involuntary withdrawal will be utilized only after attempts to secure cooperation for a voluntary withdrawal have been exhausted. Involuntary withdrawal is necessary when a student, as a consequence of perceived mental disorder:

1) engages in behavior which is imminently harmful either to himself/herself or others; or

2) is unable to meet reasonable institutional standards of conduct.

This decision may not be appealed.