2024-2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog

General Academic Information

(Policy 2.25)

Academic advising and support services are provided for students as they explore educational options, establish career goals and cope with personal and academic difficulties. Services are offered in the areas presented below.

Advising. Academic advising within the University is provided by University faculty. Each major has a program coordinator and faculty advisors. Students interested in a major in the University should see the program coordinator or an advisor in the major. A list of program coordinators and advisors are available from the Chair of each Department. Freshmen advisors are assigned by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. When faculty advisors are unavailable, students may have assistance in the area of academic advising through the Office of Student Success and Career Services.

Career Services. University students are confronted with a variety of academic and career decisions.  Through career advising, students are assisted in the clarification of values and interests, the identification of abilities, the choice of academic majors and the choice of careers. Students have access to immediate assistance in the area of Career Services through the Office of Student Success and Career Services.

Study Skills and Developmental Studies. Students who wish to improve their study skills or obtain the assistance of a tutor may do so through the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The TLC is available to all students who are in need of study skills and tutoring as well as for those who may be experiencing academic difficulty. Freshmen are placed in English and Mathematics classes based on standardized test scores. Those students needing developmental studies are placed in courses designed to assist students in developing university-level skills.

Counseling Services. Blue Mountain Christian University seeks to meet the needs of students by fostering a warm environment of personal contact between faculty, students and staff members. Blue Mountain Christian University does not have a counseling center and faculty/staff do not provide counseling services.

Limited off-campus services are available through professional counselors. The Chair of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) maintains a list of professional counselors.  Upon student request, the Chair of the BIT will make the list available. The student and/or the student’s family is responsible for his/her own expenses related to mental health. [Cross Reference with Policy 4.10: Student Health Services.]

Classification of Students

Policy 2.07

The classification of students is based on their standing at the beginning of any regular session. Hours include accepted transfer work.

Freshman: 0-29 semester hours.
Sophomore: 30-59 semester hours.
Junior: 60-89 semester hours.
Senior: 90 or more semester hours.

Academic Load

Policy 2.09

The minimum semester hour load to be considered a full-time student at Blue Mountain Christian University is twelve hours during either the fall or spring semester and six hours each term of the summer session. These numbers exclude any courses that a student may be auditing.

Eighteen semester hours is the maximum load for freshmen during regular semesters. Six semester hours is the normal maximum load allowed for any student taking courses during a BMCU summer term. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 3.00 in order to take loads in excess of 18 hours during either the fall and/or spring semester(s) and then only with the recommendation of the student’s advisor and the department chair and with the approval of the Provost. A 3.00 CGPA is also a minimum requirement for those students wishing to take loads in excess of six hours during a summer term. The above noted permissions are also required for students seeking to exceed this limit. Appeals for exceptions to this policy may be made to the Provost.

Under no circumstances will students be permitted to take in excess of 21 semester hours (excluding extra-curricular semester hours) during a regular semester (including any courses that are being audited) or nine hours during either of the four-week summer terms (including any courses that are being audited). Appeals for exceptions to this policy may be made to the Provost.