2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

General Regulations


Policy 4.05: All students are required to register, with the Office of Student Services, any motor vehicle parked on campus. A parking permit must be purchased at the time of registration. The parking permit decal must be displayed on student vehicles at all times the student is on campus.

Due Process

Blue Mountain Christian University offers an appeals process for students who feel the facts surrounding disciplinary action merit an appeal. The appeals process, outlined in Policy 4.13: Student Judiciary, is found on the BMCU website at www.bmc.edu.

Intellectual Property Rights

Policy 2.32: The assumption at Blue Mountain Christian University is that materials and innovations developed by faculty, staff, or students using University resources belong to the University. If a faculty member, staff member, or student develops materials or innovations which are believed to be intellectual property, the President of the University shall be notified, and a special committee appointed to establish ownership of such properties.

Student Concerns and Complaints

Policy 4.15: Student concerns are handled through the campus offices having responsibility for the area where the concern is directed. Formal complaints must be submitted in writing, signed, and sent to the member of the President’s Cabinet responsible for the area where the complaint is directed. The University is not obligated to consider anonymous complaints or those that are not in writing.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Policy 4.13: Students possess the privileges, responsibilities, and rights of several citizenships, including those of state, federal, and municipal governments. Membership in the Blue Mountain Christian University community of citizens presents privileges beyond those available to all citizens at the partial expense of the Mississippi Baptist Convention. With these additional privileges come additional responsibilities. Following its mission, Blue Mountain Christian University seeks three sources of authority for the behavioral expectations it places on students:
Scripture (What does the Bible say about behavioral expectations?)

Legal Authority (Local, State, and Federal Laws)

See also Policy 1.10 Relationships with External Educational, Legal, and Governmental Agencies

Baptist life and Christian heritage (The life-style issues, roots, and values of evangelical Christians who find their authority in God’s word and have stressed the need for a personal, redemptive faith in Jesus Christ.)

The behavioral standards of Blue Mountain Christian University are based on these three sources. As is the case with all communities, reasonable expectations (rules and regulations) are identified which contribute to the common good of the community. Being a contributing member of a community requires that selfish individualism give way to what is best for a caring, just, and orderly community. As a community, Blue Mountain Christian University continues to be committed to the Christian values on which it was founded.

All students are required to abide by the laws of the local, state, national, and international governments and are subject to disciplinary action at the hands of the University and/or law enforcement agencies. The Graduate Council is responsible for all disciplinary action(s) pertaining to graduate students.

Emergency Notification

Policy 2.41: The University maintains a system to notify the campus immediately of “a significant emergency or dangerous situation” unless such notification will compromise efforts to contain the emergency. Emergency response procedures will be prepared, published, and publicized annually in a manner designed to reach students, faculty, and staff. Emergency response and evacuation procedures will be tested at least annually.