2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Academic Information

Graduate student orientation will be provided all new graduate students.

Academic Advising (See Policy 2.25 Academic Advising and Support Services)
Graduate faculty advisors are available to assist students in planning their graduate work. Program of Study Forms that show all course requirements for the degree are available from graduate faculty advisors, the office of the Dean of Education, the office of the Dean of Business, or the office of the Chair of the Department of Kinesiology. The Program of Study Form provides a convenient way for both students and their advisors to keep a careful record of completed courses and those that are still needed for graduation in a particular major. The final responsibility for meeting degree requirements, however, rests with the student, who needs to monitor carefully his/her progress toward a degree.

Course Numbering System for Graduate Courses
Courses numbered 500 and above are designated as graduate courses.

Academic Rights and Responsibilities

Academic Rights and Responsibilities/Student Records

Policy 4.02 Confidentiality of Student Records and Information

All student educational records are housed in the Office of the Registrar and other appropriate locations. For information regarding student academic records, contact the Office of the Registrar. Blue Mountain Christian University complies with all provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. In accordance with this law, students have the right to inspect and review their educational records, the right to obtain copies of these records, and the right to challenge the accuracy of the information on record. Any student wishing to review educational records should contact the registrar to set up an appointment for an appropriate time.

Blue Mountain Christian University will not release any information from the student’s educational records without the written consent of the student involved except to personnel within the institution, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with judicial order, and to persons in an emergency situation to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. Within the Blue Mountain Christian University family, only those members acting in the student’s educational interest are allowed access to educational records.

Directory information may be released without the student’s written consent. The following categories of in-formation have been designated by Blue Mountain Christian University as directory information: name, mailing address, full-time or part-time status, listed telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, major and minor fields of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the names of previous educational institutions the student attended, campus box number, campus dormitory and room number, society of which the student is a member, and other similar information.

See BMCU Policy 4.02 for other information that may be released. Any student wishing to deny the release of directory information must do so in writing in the Office of the Registrar by the deadlines published for the semester/term.

Official transcripts of student records are issued by the Office of the Registrar upon receipt of the student’s written request and the $15 transcript fee; an extra fee is charged if the transcript is mailed. Transcripts will not be released for any student until all the student’s accounts are paid in full.

Grading: Policy 2.15

All grades appearing on a Blue Mountain Christian University transcript are reported using letters. Grades are accessible through student portals.

Grading System

The University uses the following grading system for graduate school:

A--Reserved for work which is definitely superior in quality.
B--Given for work which is consistently good and which manifests sufficient interest, effort, or originality to lift it above average work.
C--Given for average work and shows that basic requirements in class assignments have been met. Work at this level or lower is considered unsatisfactory for graduate students.
D--Earns credit but is below the standard required for graduation.
F--Indicates failure and, naturally, carries no credit.
I--Incomplete. May be given when a student has been providentially hindered from completing work required in a course, provided the student has made prior arrangements with the faculty member to complete the work at a later date. A grade of I must be removed by the following semester.
AU--Refers to credit without hours or grade points
W--Withdrawal. Does not count in student’s academic standing.

Grade Points

A = 4 grade points per hour
B = 3 grade points per hour
C = 2 grade points per hour
D = 1 grade point per hour
F = 0 grade points per hour

Grade Point Average

A student’s grade point average (GPA) is based on grade point hours at Blue Mountain Christian University. If a student repeats a course, both grades are used in the calculation of the grade point average. Formula for GPA = number of grade points divided by grade point hours.

Grade Corrections

To correct a grade recorded in error, a request for correction must be filed before the end of the following semester or term.

The student who questions the accuracy of a grade in a semester grade report should ask the faculty member of the course to check for possible error. One who then still believes that the grade is inaccurate or unjust may appeal to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Final appeal is to be made to the Provost, who may seek advice from the Graduate Council to resolve the issue.

Grades of Incomplete

When a student has an acceptable reason for failing to complete a course in time to have the final grade properly recorded, the faculty member will mark the record “Incomplete.” Removal of the grade of incomplete may be arranged by applying to the Dean of Graduate Studies for a special form on which the faculty member will turn in the grade. Completion of the work should be as soon as possible after the emergency that made the delay necessary but no later than the end of the next semester or summer term. A grade of I that is not removed by the deadline becomes an F whether the student remains in school or not, but does not apply to students called into military service.

Academic Load: Policy 2.09

From Academic Policy 2.09:

One must be enrolled for a minimum of nine semester hours to be classified as a full time graduate student during a regular semester. In summer school a graduate student who is enrolled for a minimum of six semester hours across a full summer session will be classified as a full time student. International students (F 1) must maintain full time enrollment pursuing their degree in compliance with Immigration and Naturalization regulations. [Cross Reference with Policy 2.16: Requirements for Graduation.]

The maximum load for a graduate student is 12 semester hours of graduate credit per semester, including registration for a thesis (if there is a thesis option in the degree program). In summer school, the maximum load is six semester hours per summer term. Under no circumstances can a student earn more than 12 semester hours of graduate credit in the summer.

Final Examinations: Policy 2.34

Regular examinations are held at the end of each semester. No such examination for a regular class may be held at any time other than that designated by the administration. A student who is deliberately absent from a semester examination without legitimate reason will be given a grade of F on the course.

Change of Class Schedule: Policy 2.13

Changes in schedule that involve either adding or dropping a course or changing to another course must be made through the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education. Such changes will not be made without the permission of the Dean of Graduate Studies. Students will not be allowed to enroll in a course after the first week of a semester or after the beginning of the second class of a regular summer term unless special permission is granted by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

A course that is dropped officially before the third week of the semester or before the end of the first week of a summer term will not be entered on the student’s permanent record. After that time and up to the official drop date of the semester or term, if a student drops a course, a W will appear on the student’s permanent record. However, a grade of F is given when one simply drops out of a course without officially following the procedure for dropping it.

A grade of F is given for any course that is dropped after the official drop date for the semester or term. In rare circumstances, the Dean of Graduate Studies may allow a student to drop a course after the official drop date and receive a grade of W instead of F. However, the following conditions must be met: there are extenuating circumstances (beyond the student’s control); the student must be passing the course(s); and the student has attended class regularly and has demonstrated general good faith toward completing the requirements of the course. When an exception arises, the judgment of the student’s advisor and Dean of Graduate Studies will be considered, but the final decision must be approved by the Provost. Withdrawal after the official drop date is not allowed simply to avoid a low grade; in no case will a W grade be given unless the student has a passing average at the time of withdrawal. For any change of schedule that is not originated by a faculty member or University administrative official, the student will be assessed a fee.

Deadlines for Change of Schedule

The first week of the semester is the calendar week in which registration BEGINS.

Regular Semester
• Week 1--Both adding and dropping courses permitted
• Weeks 1-3--Courses may be dropped without appearing on student’s permanent record.
• 4th Week to Official Drop Date--Dropping courses permitted; grade of W will appear on student’s permanent record.
• After Official Drop Date--Dropping courses not permitted; grade of F for courses not completed.

Without following the official withdrawal procedure, a student will receive an automatic grade of F in the course.

Summer Term

Comparable deadlines come much more quickly in summer school because of the condensed schedule; see summer registration class schedule for specific dates.

If a student is taking only one course during a summer term and drops it, the transaction is considered a withdrawal from the University, and a withdrawal form should be processed through the Business Office.

Withdrawal from the University: Policy 2.14

Requirements for Withdrawing from the University
A student who desires to withdraw from the graduate program should directly contact the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education for the proper withdrawal procedure. It is necessary that the correct procedure be followed so that the student’s record may be correctly kept. Failure to properly withdraw from a course will result in a grade of F.

Tuition Refund at Withdrawal
Any claims for refund of tuition will be based on the date on which the student files a request for honorable dismissal with the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education.

Academic Standing: Policy 2.18

Academic Standing, Graduate Probation, and Academic Suspension

Progress toward a degree is measured both quantitatively and qualitatively by the number of grade point hours and by the grade point. Grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the number of grade points by the grade point hours.

End of Term Standings

  1. Academic Good Standing
    The requirement for remaining in academic good standing as a graduate student at Blue Mountain Christian University is the same as the requirement for graduation - a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher (a B average) on all grade point hours attempted at Blue Mountain Christian University.
  2. Graduate Academic Warning
    The student receives two C’s in graduate courses. This status warns students that substantial academic progress must be made toward achieving good standing, or they will not be allowed to complete their degree program.
  3. Suspended with Right of Appeal
    Upon earning the third C, enrollment is suspended, and the student must submit a written appeal to the Graduate Council before reinstatement is considered.

Students who preregister for classes and then are suspended academically at the end of a given semester or summer term are expected to withdraw from those classes pending the outcome of their academic appeal. Students who do not appeal for reinstatement after being suspended will be withdrawn from classes for the semester or term for which they have preregistered.

Special Calculation of End-of-Term Standings - Repeating Courses

A grade of D will not count toward a graduate degree. The course, if a required one, must be repeated; however, the D is still calculated in determining the overall GPA.

Earning a Grade of F in a Graduate Course

Earning a grade of F in any graduate course will result in automatic suspension from the graduate program.

Appeals for Academic Suspension

Any student who is suspended for academic reasons has the right of appeal to the Graduate Council. Considering the full academic record, the Council will decide each case based on its own merits, the student’s rate of progress in making up deficiencies, and any special circumstances that might reflect the student’s ability and readiness to do acceptable graduate work.

Classification of Students: Policy 2.07

For convenience in administration, students are classified as follows:

Freshman: Any student who has earned 0-29 semester hours (including accepted transfer work).

Sophomore: Any student who has earned 30-59 semester hours (including accepted transfer work).

Junior: Any student who has earned 60-89 semester hours (including accepted transfer work).

Senior: Any student who has earned 90 or more semester hours (including accepted transfer work).

Graduate: One admitted to a Master’s degree program at Blue Mountain Christian University

Full-Time Graduate Student
One must be enrolled for a minimum of nine semester hours to be classified as a full-time graduate student during a regular semester. In compliance with Immigration and Naturalization regulations, International students (F-1) must maintain full-time enrollment while pursuing their degree. In summer school a graduate student who is enrolled for a minimum of six semester hours across a full summer session will be classified as a full-time student.

Transfer Credit: Policy 2.06

Six semester hours of graduate credit may be transferred from another regionally accredited college or university provided the student has maintained a B average, the course(s) are appropriate for the student's program, and the course(s) are approved by the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education. To be considered, transfer credit must be earned within the six-year time. Students who have credits and or degrees granted by international institutions must have a detailed credential evaluation completed by the service previously listed in this Graduate Catalog. No transfer credit will be considered without this documentation.

Once a student has been admitted to graduate study at Blue Mountain Christian University, he/she may not take graduate courses elsewhere without prior approval of the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education.

Only grades of B or higher will transfer. Transferred credit will not be used to pull up grades earned at Blue Mountain Christian University--e.g., a transferred A will not be used to pull up a C earned at Blue Mountain Christian University.

Attendance Regulations: Policy 2.10

Class Attendance

Class attendance is an essential part of college education, and students are expected to attend regularly and punctually classes and laboratories for which they are registered. Although some specific requirements may vary according to the nature and structure of the course, the following guidelines summarize institutional policy:

Each student is expected to be present, prepared, and ready to participate in classroom activities. The attendance policy as stated in the Blue Mountain Christian University Student Handbook and Catalog will be followed in each course. Policy 2.10 states that a student “receives a grade of F in any course immediately upon accumulating absences equivalent to 12.5 percent of the class meetings, whether excused or unexcused in that class. Any exception to this rule, granted only in extraordinary circumstances, must be approved by the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.” In practice, this means a grade of F will be recorded in any class upon the accumulation of the following number of absences, whether excused or unexcused:

6 in semester classes meeting 3 times per week
4 in semester classes meeting 2 times per week
2 in semester classes meeting 1 time per week
3 in summer day classes on a 5-day schedule
2 in summer classes on a 4-day schedule
Proportionate numbers in classes on any other schedule

Absences Due to Late Registration

A student registering late will be charged for all absences occurring prior to his/her reporting to class, although these may be treated as excused absences.

Attendance at Graduation

Students who meet graduation requirements are expected to march at commencement. If for good reason the student cannot march, he/she should notify the Dean of Graduate Studies.


Graduate students are not required to attend chapel.

Graduation Requirements: Policy 2.16

Standardized Examination

Every student applying for graduate study at Blue Mountain Christian University is required to take either the Graduate Record Examination, the Miller Analogy Test, or the Praxis II - Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT), and the Subject Area Test, dependent upon the program of study. For applicants who received an initial license through an alternate route program or the state in which the initial license was issued did not require the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT), the Subject Area Test alone is acceptable. In addition, temporary changes in state licensure test requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be honored.

No student will be admitted to candidacy at Blue Mountain Christian University until the score on the appropriate examination has been received from the examining agency.

If a standardized test is taken at another institution, it is the student's responsibility to see that the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education receives a copy of that score.

All degree-seeking students must take the required test(s) the first time it is offered after enrolling. No more than twelve hours of course work will be credited toward a degree until the requisite test has been taken. The student is responsible for requesting that test scores be sent to the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education.

Admission to Candidacy

All requirements for degree candidacy should be completed when a student has earned 12 hours of graduate work and before the student receives credit for more than 15 hours of work toward a degree. The Office of Graduate and Continuing Education will provide the student a copy of the document.

To be eligible for admission to candidacy for a graduate degree, a student must:

  1. Complete an Application to Candidacy Form.

  2. Satisfy all requirements for regular admission to graduate study.

  3. Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 12 semester hours of graduate work at Blue Mountain Christian University. Satisfactory completion is interpreted as having a B average on all graduate work pursued.

  4. Have on file in the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education a record of an acceptable score from the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination, the Miller Analogy Test, or the Praxis II. No student will be admitted to candidacy until scoring at or above the minimal level required by the program of studies.

Time Limitation

All students pursuing the graduate degree must complete the program within six years from the time the first graduate course is taken. No credit will be allowed for any course taken prior to six years before graduation unless recommended by the Dean of Graduate Studies and approved for extenuating circumstances by the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education. (However, it should be noted that students participating in the present Scholarship Program must complete the degree within three years.)

Grade Requirement

To qualify for a graduate degree the student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher on all courses taken to fulfill requirements for a graduate degree.

A grade of INCOMPLETE may be given a student who fails to complete all requirements for a course within the required semester or term because of extenuating circumstances and with the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies. A grade of I becomes an F if not removed by the end of the next semester or summer term.

Comprehensive Examination

Depending upon the graduate program, the appropriate department will require written and/or oral comprehensive examinations as part of the degree requirement.

Students will be notified the date and time of the oral/written comprehensive examinations. Comprehensive exams will be scheduled during the last semester of graduate work. No comprehensive examination will be authorized unless the student has an average GPA of 3.00 or higher.

Application for Degree

Candidates for a graduate degree should file an application with the Office of Graduate and Continuing Education a semester in advance of completion of degree requirements and pay the graduation fee in the Business Office. The graduation fee is a mandatory, comprehensive fee that covers the cost of the diploma, cap, gown and hood rental, and other incidental costs related to graduation.

The graduate student must have a 3.00 average or higher on Blue Mountain Christian University graduate work at the time the student applies for graduation.