2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Master of Education in Elementary Education

Mission Statement: The graduate program in elementary education provides preparation beyond that required for initial preparation to assist elementary school teachers in achieving higher levels of performance when discharging their responsibilities. The content of the program provides an in-depth study of the curriculum areas taught in elementary classrooms, foundations of education, curriculum and teaching, and research and evaluation.

General Goals of the Master of Education in Elementary Education

General goals which are consistent with the mission and strategic goals of Blue Mountain Christian University have been established for the graduate program in elementary education. These general goals include the following.

  • Provide a body of content that extends knowledge, skills, and abilities at a level more advanced than the undergraduate program.
  • Allow the graduate student to develop specialized skills which will enable him/her to contribute to the profession.
  • Require graduate students to analyze, explore, question, and synthesize information as they are extending their knowledge in their field of specialization.
  • Require students to develop an understanding of research-how it is conducted and how it is used in the understanding of education in general and elementary education in specific.
  • Be of specific duration to provide for mastery of the subject matter, learning theory, research, methodology, evaluation of teaching and learning, curriculum development, and best practices in elementary education.
  • Be staffed by a competent and productive faculty.
  • Provide adequate library and learning resources, including technology resources, to support research and independent study required in advanced programs.

Specific Outcomes and Learning Objectives

Specific outcomes and learning objectives of the program embrace the knowledge and skills as outlined in the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards (InTASC) and the Association for Childhood Education Standards (ACEI). The outcomes and learning objectives of the graduate program in elementary education include the following.

  • Understanding of young children and knowledge of students
  • Knowledge of content and curriculum
  • Establishing a learning environment that best facilitates teaching and learning
  • Knowledge of assessment techniques and how to use them appropriately
  • Respect for diversity and use of strategies to promote individual and meaningful learning by all students
  • Knowledge of a variety of instructional resources including technological resources and how to use them to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences for students
  • Knowledge of the importance of family involvement in the learning process and techniques and strategies for engaging families in the support of children’s learning and development
  • Knowledge of the need for professional growth and an awareness of the avenues for professional development
  • Knowledge of the importance of reflective practice in analyzing and evaluating practice to strengthen the quality of practice
  • Knowledge of research procedures and tools used to examine topics in education and skills in planning, organizing, and conducting action research projects
Student Learning Objectives Content Activity - Assignment designed to address this objective Evaluation - Evidence of student achievement
SLO#1: Understand young children and have knowledge of content and curriculum EDU 615; EDU 645; EDU 650; EDU 605; EDU 620; EDU 625; EDU 630 Read journal articles, write summaries of the articles, and present information orally to the class on instructor approved, appropriate topic related to learning. Rubric for the article summaries includes elements on choice of article (recent, refereed journal, and relevance), presentation of written information (introduction of main topics, and adequate coverage of main ideas), examples of application of information to a classroom setting, writing style (organization and clarity of content, proper paragraph construction, appropriate transitions, correct sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling), and correct APA format in text and bibliographic entry. Rubric for oral presentation includes elements on knowledge of topic, oral communication, use of technology and other appropriate audio-visual materials, handouts presented to the group, and utilization of relevant recent resources.
SLO#2: Establish a learning environment that best facilitates teaching and learning EDU 605; EDU 615 Complete an instructional design model suited to professional needs. The model will contain an introduction of the design, an explanation of how the design will be implemented, and a summary of research findings with works cited. An electronic presentation of the instructional design model will be presented to the class. The instructional design will be evaluated according to the following elements: clear and concise introduction, detailed description of components of the design, clear plan for implementation, summary of research findings, appropriateness of books and journals documenting research, and creativity of oral presentation to the class.
SLO#3: Use assessment techniques appropriately EDU 610 Review current state testing results and demonstrate how the results can be used in planning the curriculum by developing an appropriate lesson plan which addresses the test results. Lesson plans will be evaluated for appropriateness as they relate to the test results and skill to be developed
SLO#4: Respect diversity and use strategies to promote all students’ individual and meaningful learning EDU 605; EDU 615; EDU 635 Plan a reading center in the classroom that celebrates diversity. Include a minimum of 10 trade books that will increase awareness of diversity among their peers. Reading centers will be displayed in the classroom. The reading center will be evaluated by the choice of books placed in the center, the types of activities planned for the students while at the center and the plan for ensuring participation at the center. An observation checklist with the items mentioned above will be completed by the observer.
SLO#5: Know a variety of instructional resources including resources in technology and how to use them to provide developmentally appropriate learning experiences for all students EDU 605; EDU 635 Students will develop, implement, and assess a unit in which technology has been integrated into the curriculum. Lessons in the unit will include objectives, activities, materials and resources, assessment and reflection. The unit will be evaluated according to the appropriateness of the objectives, activities, types of materials and resources, the degree to which the objectives were met and the reflection on the teaching and learning. In addition to the evaluation by the instructor of the course, students will complete a self- assessment in the reflection section of the plan.
SLO#6: Understand the need for professional growth and avenues for professional development EDU 610 Develop a personal improvement plan based on the results from his/her formal evaluation conducted by the building principal. The personal improvement plan will be evaluated according to the degree to which the plan matches the competencies on the formal evaluation which are areas that need improvement.
SLO#7: Apply reflective practice in analyzing and evaluating practices in order to strengthen the quality of practice EDU 610 Develop a personal improvement plan based on the results from his/her formal evaluation conducted by the building principal The personal improvement plan will be evaluated according to degree to which the plan matches the competencies on the formal evaluation which are areas that need improvement.
SLO#8: Apply research procedures and tools to examine topics in education and skills in planning, organizing, and conducting action research projects EDU 600 Develop a research proposal which includes the basic steps in the planning and conducting of research: identifying the problem, survey of related literature, formulating research questions or hypothesis, constructing the design, specifying data collection procedures, and reporting results. The research proposal will be evaluated with a rubric that identifies the basic steps in planning and conducting research.
Students will be expected to score a target or acceptable on the elements: identifying the problem, survey of related literature, formulating research questions or hypothesis, constructing the design, specifying data collection, and reporting results.

Assessments used include rubrics, class participation, written tests, oral presentations, appropriate check lists, formal written papers, group work assignments, responses to focus questions covering material, and journal article summaries.

Course Requirements

Master of Education in Elementary Education requires a minimum of 30 semester hours of credit including the following courses.

Core Courses

EDU 600Read./Research in Ed


EDU 605Instructional Design


EDU 610Assess.Tchg./Learn.


EDU 615Adv.Educational Psy.


Teaching Field Courses

EDU 620Adv.St./Res.Rd.Instr


EDU 625Adv.St.Soc.St.El.Ed.


EDU 630Adv.Stud.Lang.Arts


EDU 635Pract.in Ele.Edu.


EDU 645Adv.St.Math.Ele.Tchr


EDU 650Invest.Ele.Sci.Edu.


Total Credit Hours: 30