2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Academic Honesty and Integrity Appeals Procedures

I. Procedures for Faculty in Addressing Breaches of the Policy

A. Faculty will inform students of behavior appropriate for maintenance of the Blue Mountain Christian University Honesty and Integrity Policy as it pertains to their particular courses and disciplines.

B. Any faculty member who suspects a violation of the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy shall assume the responsibility for confronting the violator(s) immediately about the violation. The faculty member must notify the student in writing, including sufficient details to allow the student to respond in his/her own defense. The faculty member may choose from a grade of “0" for the assignment in question to an F in the course.

C. If the faculty member desires additional input from colleagues, he/she may ask the department chair to convene a committee to discuss the situation. If the incident involves students in courses from other department, the chair may convene a committee including members of other departments’ faculties. The committee may then determine the penalty.

D. If the academic dishonesty is of the most serious nature, the committee may refer the case to the Academic Dean’s Council. The Provost/Vice President may then determine the penalty.


II. Penalties for breaches of the Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy

A. First Offense – The professor may choose from a “0” on the assignment to an F in the course. The offense is reported to the Department Chair and the Provost/ Vice President.

B. Second Offense - The second offense in a single class, department, or in the University will result in an F in the course and additional action may be taken by the Provost up to a recommendation the student be dismissed from the University.

C. Third Offense – The third offense in a single class, department, or in the University will automatically receive an F in the course and be turned over to the Chair of the Department and Provost with a recommendation of dismissal from the University.


I. Students accused of violating the Blue Mountain Christian University Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy (AHIP) or who claim the final grade that they received in a course was determined unfairly may appeal. Students may withdraw their appeal at any time.

A Appeal of an Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy Violation
A written appeal must be initiated within six class days of the professor's written accusation and must follow the procedure described under number 2 below.

B. Appeal of a Course Grade
A written notice of intent to appeal a final grade in a course must be sent by the student to the professor awarding the grade no later than 30 days from the end of the semester or summer term in which the grade was awarded. The grade appeal process then must be initiated no later than the first twelve class days of the following semester or summer term and follow the procedure described in number 2 below.

II. The appeal process must follow the procedure outlined below. At each step in the process, the decision-making body or person must respond within six class days.

A. The student must discuss the matter privately with the professor in an effort to resolve the problem.

B. If no satisfactory resolution is reached, the student should appeal in writing to the Provost/Vice President.

C. If the Provost determines that the appeal is not frivolous, the Provost may attempt to resolve the problem, or may call a meeting of the Student Appeals Committee (SAP)*. This group will advise the Provost after determining the merits of the appeal.

D. IF THE APPEAL IS DENIED, THEN THERE CAN BE NO FURTHER APPEALS. If the appeal is upheld, the Provost, with possible advice from the Student Appeals Committee, will appoint an ad hoc review committee from within the discipline in which the course is offered. This review committee will evaluate the student’s work and determine a grade that will be submitted to the Provost. This grade will be reported to the professor and to the registrar’s office in a timely fashion.
If the professor against whom the appeal is upheld feels strongly that the newly determined grade is unjustified, the professor may appeal the decision of the ad hoc committee in writing to the Provost and Vice President, who will present the written appeal and brief the President of the University on the situation for the final resolution. After a decision is rendered by the President, there can be no further appeals.

*The Student Appeals Committee is responsible for recommending, by majority decision, either to uphold or to deny the student’s appeal. The student and professor must present evidence in writing supporting their positions. In the case of a grade appeal, the professor must present the written grading procedure for the course under appeal.